RDCs sabotaging Nup membership registration-Ssenyonyi

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RDCs sabotaging Nup membership registration-Ssenyonyi
LoP Ssenyonyi

The NUP spokesperson and leader of government business in parliament, Joel Ssenyonyi has warned RDCs and other security operatives against sabotaging their membership registration exercise saying this is in their right as a party.

Joel Ssenynyi says there have been reports of sabotage in districts of Rakai and Kiboga where their members have been stopped claiming they have not sought permission from police.

The national campaign to register party members was launched at the beginning of this month by the party president.

“some excited RDCs are asking do you have permission from the police to do this work,” said Joel Ssenyonyi.

The NUP spokesperson notes, “We don’t need permission from anybody to do this work. This is the work of a political party and we are within our rights”.

But these claims have been termed as political by the ICT minister Dr Chris Baryomunsi who says no can one stop the party from registering members unless they conduct themselves in a manner that violates the law.

The ICT minister says, “They can conduct their exercise following the law as long as they don’t disrupt other people’s lives and the already scheduled activities like the census”.

The minister terms sabotage claims as “lies”.

The RDCs have on several occasions interfered with activities organized especially by the opposition in their respective districts.

In April last year, 11 women MPs were arrested by police as they attempted to match to the internal affairs ministry where they had wanted to petition the minister after RDCs blocked them from conducting women’s day activities in their respective districts.

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